Tuesday, 31 March 2009

JaDual & MoDul

JaDuAL & MoDul KurSus

KurSus SijiL MasaKan & HerBa

BeLanjawAn KurSus SeCaRa IndiVidu

KurSus SijiL - PeNgeNalAn UnSuR Diri dAn NamA

LaRanNgan-LaRangAn BeKam

JeNiS-JeNis BekAm ( terKiNI )

JeNiS-JeNis BekAm

TeNTanG Acu - BekAM ( CupPinG )

KurSus SijiL AsaS AcU-BekAm

KuRsus Sijil AsaS - UruTan TraDisionAL SebeLum Dan SeLepAs BerSaliN

KuRsus Sijil - AsaS HoListik UruTan BadaN

Monday, 30 March 2009

ReFlekSolOgi ResEarch

Reflexology & Recovery

•According to a 1994 Swiss medical report, foot Reflexology is one of the most useful treatments for post operative gynaecological patients.
•The researchers demonstrated that reflexology enhances urination, stimulates bowel movements and so aids recovery.
•Patients who received reflexology treatment also showed a much less need for medication than patients in the control group.
•Kesselring A. (foot reflex zone massage) Fussreflexzonemassage. Schweiz med Wochenschr suppl (SWITZERLAND) 1994, 62 p88-93

Reflexology & Kidney Stones

•A few years ago, researchers at Glostrop hospital, Copenhagen, demonstrated that reflexology can help relieve the acute pain suffered by patients with kidney stones. 30 patients participated in the study and were divided equally into three groups: one group received reflexology treatment, one group received placebo treatment and the remaining groups were used as controls.
•If no pain relief was experienced within 5 minutes, the treatment would end for analgesic medications, but those who experienced a benefit within 5 minutes, treatment was continued for a further 10 minutes. The results showed that 9 out of the 10 patients in the reflexology group experienced complete pain relief after the treatment which lasted for over an hour and in 5 of the patients pain was relieved for 4 hours.
•Medical doctors Niels Baekgaard and Vibe Hansen, who conducted the study, concluded that "Reflexology treatment of acute ureterolithiasis has a pain relieving effect" and when compared to Baralgin (a commonly administered analgesic), the findings revealed that reflexology actually works faster at alleviating pain although the effects last for a shorter duration.
•FDZ Magazine ‘Zoneterapeuten’ No 6, 1993

Reflexology & Mental Health

•A new report from the local association of MIND (Worthing) reveals the beneficial effects of reflexology and counselling on mental health patients.
•Research was carried out between May 1996 and August 1997 in which a reflexologist and a counsellor worked with a total of 74 people (49 received reflexology and 25 received counselling).
•The report’s findings based upon the observations of the therapists and the participants indicate that:
•• Physical improvements underpinned feelings of enhanced mental/emotional well-being for many participants. For example, the researchers observed that the release of tension through being able to talk led to greater relaxation, which in turn was found to alleviate headaches and improve sleep.
•• With the exception of two participants in the reflexology sample, there was a reported increase in relaxation levels and a decrease in anxiety levels.
•• The reflexologist noted that participants developed an increased awareness of tension in the body and an increased ability to change that state, e.g. they consciously altered their breathing and their posture.
•• Many participants reported improved emotional status. Fear, worry and despair reported at the beginning of the study were considered to have changed into more positive and fulfilling emotions.
•• There was a general consensus among the participants that an offer of more complementary therapies would be of overall benefit within the mental health service.
•Perhaps the most interesting finding of the study was that the participants tended to make greater progress when reflexology and counselling were offered together, and the report recommended greater integration of the therapies.
•Although this was a small, pilot study which by its very nature is limited in value due to the absence of objective data measurements or traditional scientific audit, the researchers hope that it will ‘form the basis for a further controlled research project, incorporating objective data measurements, or a comprehensive audit’.
•Peta Trousdell, Andrea Uphoff-Chmielnik. Making connections: user perception of the effects of Reflexology and Counselling: an evaluation of a complementary health care project at Worthing Mind. September 1997.
•(Copies of the report may be obtained from MIND Worthing, 8-10 Durrington Lane, Worthing, W.Sussex BN13 2QB for a charge of £5.)

Reflexology helps increase renal blood flow

•Researchers in Austria studied the effects of reflexology upon renal blood flow.
•32 healthy young adults (17 women, 15 men) participated in a placebo-controlled, double blind trial. The treatment group received reflexology at zones corresponding to the right kidney.
•The placebo group received treatment on other foot zones. The blood flow of 3 vessels of the right kidney was measured then monitored prior to, during and following reflexology. Systolic peak velocity and end diastolic peak velocity were measured and resistive index calculated.
•The two groups showed significant differences; a highly significant decrease showed during and following reflexology. There were no differences between men and women nor smokers and non-smokers.
•These results are consistent with the hypothesis that reflexology is effective in influencing renal blood flow and confirms the results of independent research that reflexology can significantly help kidney function..
•Sudmeier l et al. Changes of renal blood flow during organ-associated foot reflexology measured by colour Doppler sonography. Forschende Komplementaermedizin 6(3): 129-34 Jun 1999

Reflexology & Nervous Exhaustion

•Recent research from China suggest that reflexology may be particularly helpful for patients suffering from nervous exhaustion.
•Twenty patients with a history of neurasthenia (nervous exhaustion) which had lasted between 1 – 8 years were given a course of reflexology at the department of physiotherapy, 52884 Military Hospital.
•The patients’ chief symptoms were dizziness, insomnia, memory loss, indigestion and headaches. All had previously received long term medical treatment none of which had helped them.
•The reflexology treatments focused on the areas of the feet relating to the adrenal gland, kidneys, bladder, sinus, brain and heart. Those patients who suffered from associated digestive problems were also treated to the areas of the feet relating to spleen, stomach, duodenum and celiac, while those patients who suffered from headaches had the areas of the feet relating to the cerebellum and trigeminal nerves treated.
•The reflexology treatments were given daily over a period of seven days and the results were quite remarkable:
•40% experienced complete ‘cure’, further 35% had greatly improved, and a further 15% had mildly improved. Only 10% showed no change at all to the treatment.
•Duan Shuang-Feng. Foot reflexology in neurosism: Clinical Observation of 20 cases. Presented at the China reflexology symposium in Beijing (July 1993). Reflexology research reports (Association of Reflexologtists) 2nd edition.

Reflexology & Children with nocturnal enuresis (Bed wetting)

•The purpose of the study was to clarify whether reflexology is a relevant treatment for enuresis nocturna, and to test a research design applicable to controlled experiments with reflexology. An unblinded method was used comparing a treatment group (1) receiving reflexology to a non-treatment group (2) keeping the same record of symptoms. At the start of the study, the volumes of night urine in the two groups were comparable.
•By the end of the study, there was no significant decrease in the volume of night urine in either of the groups. Two children in the treatment group and one in the non-treatment group became dry during the night in the course of the study. In conclusion, reflexology given as 14 treatment sessions over a period of four months did not result in a significant fall in enuresis nocturna in children aged seven to eleven years old.
•It must be concluded that the treatment result can not be distinguished from the conditions in the non-treatment group even though the average night diuresis in group one showed a slightly decreasing tendency while morning diuresis increased, in contrast to group two which exhibited a slight increase in night diuresis.
•As the total diuresis remained constant, this could be interpreted as an increased urinary bladder capacity, but in both cases the changes were far from significant.
•Comments: Comment in: Ugeskr Laeger 1999 Apr 12;161(15):2224 Sietam KS, Eriksen L Forenede Danske Zoneterapeuter, Kolding.

Reflexology and chest pain

•ALTERNATIVES in health™ subscriber, Margaret Berker, a qualified reflexologist and member of the British Reflexology Association conducted an interesting small-scale study at the Cardiac Unit of the Queen Elizabeth hospital , Birmingham, UK, into the effects of reflexology on a group of four patients suffering from chest pain.
•The patients were obtained from a consultant; all had all experienced pain for periods ranging between 18 months and 13 years and, cardiac catheterizations revealed that none of the patients had any identifiable disease of the cardiac arteries. Furthermore, none of the patients had had reflexology treatment prior to the study, nor were they encouraged to believe that the treatment would ‘cure’ their condition.
•Reflexology treatments were given weekly over a period of eight weeks and the patients were asked to keep a diary to record their chest pain before and after treatments which specified (a) the number of episodes, (b) the intensity of the pain and (c) the duration of the pain.
•Analysis of the data revealed that all of the patients recorded positive results; three of the four experienced a complete relief from their original symptoms after nine months and the remaining patient reported a reduction in pain.

MOduL PemBelajAran RefLeksoLogi

MOduL PemBelajAran RefLeksoLogi

JaDuaL KurSus - PeNgeNa

JadUAl KurSus - PenGenalan AsaS ReflekSologi

LaNgkAh-LaNgkAh KerjA

ReFlekSoloGi KaKi

•Memastikan kaki pelanggan tiada sebarang kecederaan atau masalah kulit.
•Mengarahkan klien secara sopan menukar kasut dan letakkan ditempat kasut
•Klien menyimpan barang-barang berharga ditempat yang selamat.
•Menyediakan tempat rendam kaki yang dicampurkan larutan antiseptic atau wangian aromaterapi.
•Klien diminta merendamkan kaki dilarutan tersebut kira-kira 10 minit.
•Menyediakan tuala kecil untuk mengeringkan kaki klien.
•Tempat refleksologi telah tersedia dengan tuala besar, tuala kecil, media urut dalam keadaan tersusun dan bersih.
•Tempat menunngu klien sentiasa dalam keadan bersih dan teratur sementara menunggu giliran.
•Pelanggan diminta duduk ditempat yang disediakan seperti yang disediakan oleh pihak organisasi.
•Operasi dijalankan dalam keadaan klien dan juru refleksologi benar-benar bersedia.

ReFlekSologi TangAn

•Memastikan tangan pelanggan tidak cedera atau menghadapi masalah kulit
•Klien diarahkan dengan sopan menanggalkan barang kemas seperti jam, cicin, gelang dan sebagainya kemudiannya disimpan ditempat yang selamat.Klien diminta mencuci tangan dengan larutan antiseptik atau sabun berubat.
•Mengeringkan tangan dengan menggunakan tuala bersih yang telah disediakan.
•Duduk dalam keadaan posisi yang selesa seperti kehendak organisasi.
•Losen/,minyak dan tuala kecil disediakan ditempat yang selamat dan mudah dicapai oleh juru refleksologi dan tidak mengganggu pelanggan.
•Pleanggan dibekalkan dengan minuman selepas mendapat rawatan.

ReFlekSologi TeLingA

•Memastikan klien tidak menghadapi penyakit telinga kronik, kecederaan atau penyakit kulit.

PerALaTan ReflekSologi

PerAlatAn YanG PerLu Ada Di MakMal ReflekSologI

•Kerusi beroda
•Krim Urut
•Minyak Urut
•Cermin Besar
•Tempat Menyimpan Kasut
•Tempat Menyimpan Barangan
•Tempat Majalah
•Tempat Mencuci/ Rendam Kaki
•First Aid Box
•Alat Pemadam Api
•Peralatan Air Minuman
•Tuala Besar
•Tuala Kecil
•Buku Catatan Klien
•Kad Rawatan Klien
•Resit Pembayaran
•Rak Menyimpan Tuala
•Sofa Menunggu
•Carta berkaitan Refleksologi
•Buku Rujukan
•Radio/ Hi Fi
•LarutanAntiseptik/ wangian aromaterapi

KurSuS - Sijil Asas ReflekSologi

CaRA PenGGunaAn

LaNgkAh 1 - PerSiapan

•Masukkan magnetic pointer ke dalam connector (lubang jack penghubung)
•Jika sulit, jangan dipaksa, agak diputar
•Pilih earplug yang sesuai dengan telinga
•Pegang Chart

LaNgkAh 2 - MenYalakan Aculife

•Tekan tombol On
•Pastikan posisi Tombol di posisi detect

LaNgkAh 3 - PenGujian Level KetahaNan

•Tempelkan ujung pointer aculife diujung kuku jempol tangan kiri
•Naikkan sedikit demi sedikit sampai terasa ada yang menusuk-nusuk
•Letakkan tabel di dekat anda

LaNgkAh 4 - PenDetekSian PeNyaKit

•Pastikan switch dalam keadaan detect (bukan relieve)
•Tempelkan pointer ke telapak tangan dan bergeraklah secara perlahan
•Jika terasa ada yang menusuk, cari titik yang paling terasa sakit à indikasi gangguan kesehatan
•Lakukan pemulihan. Pindahkan ke posisi relieve

LaNgkAh 5 - PemUlihAn

•Geser tombol switch dari detect ke relieve
•Tekan tombol timer. Mucul angka 5:00
•Terapilah selama 5 menit
•Bisa ditambah 15-20 menit
•Setelah selesai 1 titik à kembali ke posisi detect

LaNgkAh 6 - SeteLah TeraPi DaN TeRapI UlaNgan

•Selesai terapi --> minum air putih hangat segelas --> melancarkan peredaran darah
•Jangan minum air dingin atau mandi air dingin setelah terapi
•Terapi ulang --> naikkan level, waktu lebih lama
•Jika sembuh --> tidak terasa lagi


AcULife Tidak BoLeh DiGunakan KetiKa !!!!!!!

AcULife Tidak BoLeh DiGunakan KetiKa

1.Penderita jantung dengan alat picu jantung
2.Wanita hamil
3.Anak-anak dibawah 3 tahun
4.Pasien dengan tumor ganas
5.Pasien dengan kecenderungan perdarahan
6.Pasien TBC
7.Alkoholis Kronis
8.Tangan kanan, atau terbalik
9.Jangan gunakan aculife pada kepala
10.Jangan gunakan aculife pada wajah
11.Jangan gunakan di dada dekat jantung
12.Tubuh sedang sangat lelah --> istirahat dulu 30 menit
13.Tubuh sedang sangat lapar --> makan dulu, 1 jam setalah makan
14.Jangan gunakan dalam keadaan basah --> harus selalu kering. Siapkan tisue
15.Jangan mandi dulu setalah terapi. -->perubahan suhu badan yang tiba2--> hasil tidak maksimal


1.Hindari terapi 3 hari berturut-turut
2.Jika muncul gangguan pada kulit (bintik-bintik) --> normal. Hilang dalam beberapa jam
3.Jangan terkena benda metal
4.Jangan sampai aculife jatuh
5.Konsultasi dokter, jika masih dalam perawatan medis

Neck StRap & STrip HoLdEr

PoWeR SuppLy ( sumBeR TeNaga )

PoWeR SuppLy ( sumBeR TeNaga )

•Tenaga listrik
- untuk indoor
- gunakan adaptor khusus
- Panjang kabel adaptor 1,5 m
•Tenaga baterai
- Baterai 9v berbentuk kotak
- baterai alkaline
- Baterai lemah -->akurasi kacau, merusak mesin

Ear pLuG

MaGnetic Wave PoinTer

BahAgiAn-BahAgian AculifE

DAri ManA AcuLife MendeTeksi

KeLebihAn Aculife

*Ke Dokter -> Keluhan, pemeriksaan, laboratorium

*Dengan aculife -> tanpa diberitahu

*Mendeteksi gangguan kesehatan sebelum orang menyadari masalah kesehatannya

*Membantu memulihkan penyakit yang sudah di deteksi

mANFaat UmUm AcuLife

TaHuKAh AndA


Anda bisa mengetahui penyakit seseorang tanpa diberitahu sebelumnya.
Bahkan ada bisa mengetahui seseorang menderita suatu penyakit sebelum orang tersebut mengetahuinya

Alat terapi kesehatan yang mencakup terapi elektrik (listrik), dan magnetik (magnet), yang aman, berdasarkan teori pengobatan cina kuno


•Usaha mengatasi penyakit dan perawatan kesehatan dengan menggunakan listrik yang aman sebagai medium pemulihan
•Dengan electromagnetic pointer (jarum elektromagnetik), aculife tianshi bisa mendeteksi kondisi kesehatan manusia
•Jika sakit pada titik tertentu à energi organ yang berhubungan dengan titik tersebut lemah


Usaha mengatasi penyakit dengan menggunakan magnet untuk meningkatkan energi magnetik tubuh
•Magnet bumi -> dahulu cukup kuat
•Gedung, beton, bangunan -> menghambat magnet bumi.

KurSuS - Sijil Asas Anatomi & fisiologi